Cities: Iskandar Malaysia

Iskandar Malaysia

Iskandar Malaysia

Iskandar Malaysia is the first economic region in Malaysia to capitalize on its strategic position in creating a hub where development pathways are guided and geared towards resilience and sustainability.

Guided by both the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) as well as the Circle of Sustainability, and with a population reaching over 2 million, Iskandar Malaysia’s thriving socio-economic “ecosystem” is augmented by the Smart City agenda – covering the 6 dimensions of: 
●    Smart Economy
●    Smart Governance
●    Smart Environment
●    Smart Mobility
●    Smart People
●    Smart Living

Seizing the initiative, Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) deepened its green-centric focus by formulating the Low Carbon Society Blueprint, a comprehensive action plan aimed at developing an environmentally conscious society with high standards of living and widespread adoption of low carbon lifestyle. 

Planting seeds, IRDA is dedicated to cultivating low carbon awareness from a young age with the introduction of the Iskandar Malaysia Ecolife Challenge – an on-going, action-oriented low carbon awareness programme which actively engages with schools and children throughout the region. Now running on its 9th year, the programme has engaged with 265 schools and 55,000 families – contributing over 697,334.03 kgCO2 in total carbon reduction.  



LCC2030 Challenge

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