Many Covenant signatories are planning and implementing actions to reduce their emissions from the transport sector, in order to meet the objectives set up in their Climate and Energy Action Plans.
Setting up joint planning processes if not an easy task: energy, transport and mobility are often managed by different departments, and joint planning in this sectors entails the participation of stakeholders and the local population, vertical integration with other governance levels and a long-term vision, trying to balance costs and benefits.
To address some of these challenges, the SIMPLA project developed guidelines to help cities harmonise the actions of the SECAPs (Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan) and SUMPs (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans), to identify co-benefits and impacts of jointly tackling energy and mobility planning.
This webinar will present the experiences of two Covenant signatories (Monzon, Spain & Parma, Italy) who have been working on their mobility and sustainable climate and energy plans, to provide tips and hands-on experiences to other Covenant signatories.